
Bigcommerce eBay Integration

Sell on eBay marketplaces from your Bigcommerce store. Order, Inventory, Catalog and Fulfilment Synchronization between Bigcommerce and eBay.

Salestio Bigcommerce eBay

Salestio include everything you need for start
selling on eBay from Bigcommerce Store.

Order Import

Downloads eBay orders and import it just into Bigcommerce store. Synchronize Order Status between marketplaces.


Flexible Stock level and price Synchronization between Bigcommerce and Ebay

eBay Inventory

Download current eBay Inventory and get full understanding what data you have on eBay.

Catalog export

Allow export Bigcommerce products to eBay Marketplace with custom price and QTY.

Native integration

Native integration inside your Bigcommerce Store without any extra websites or tools.

eBay Jobs

Special designed tasks for background handling on large eBay inventory. Send 1000 products to eBay in less that 5 minutes.

Multiple eBay accounts

Do you have more that one eBay account? No problem! You can add as many account as you need.

22 Ebay Marketplaces

You can connect your Bigcommerce store with almost all supported eBay marketplaces

Technical Support

We take care to our product and help the customer if they have difficulty with its usage.

Powerful Sales Dashboard

On every moment of time, it's essential to know what happens in the connected sales channel, Salestio dashboard will give a list of the following key widgets:

  • Latest eBayon orders
  • Status of your listings — how many active, stopped, pending and could be listed.
  • Latest logs status for the Salestio system.
  • Latest state of automated background jobs.

Selling Lists — possibility group products with the same properties

Profiles & Lists based Grouping products by Selling Lists & Selling Profiles, allow manage a big number of eBay listings more efficiently and reducing the time need for batch operations to listings!

Show all eBay Orders inside Bigcommerce

Handling orders in time is critical. All eBay orders showed inside Salestio. When product for order is found in Bigcommerce — created also in Bigcommerce.

As soon Bigcommerce order changed status to Shipped, eBay order will be marked as fulfilled.

All data on your control

Every operation on Salestio is logged and you can always know what happens with your listings, orders and sales operations.

Logs split into different groups — info, debug, warning, error. Warnings and errors logs will be immediately shown on dashboard without needed to jump and check specific element.


Your eBay account should be in selling plan mode. And also it should be registered in selected marketplace or group of marketplaces
  • Your Bigcommerce products should contains unique SKU.
  • Optional: Your products should include EAN or UPC code for every variation
  • Product re-pricing
  • Limited fulfilment support
  • You can contact us by email support@salest.io
  • Use internal widget from application page
  • Use documentation from https://docs.salest.io
Yes, you can Salestio in multiple Bigcommerce stores. Every store will be registered as separate appliation and will not communication with other stores.
Right now every store in Salestio will be separated from other stores. We are working on solution that will allow you manage all listings from all stores in one single place.