
In the sales business, handling taxes is important for complying with tax laws and planning financial deductions. When importing marketplace orders to Shopify, Salestio uses the tax information contained within the order by default.

Each store has its own way of calculating and handling taxes, depending on the market and the products sold, so the default settings may not be perfect for everyone. Today, we will explore the available settings in Salestio relating to taxes, and how to tune them to get the best results.

The tax settings can be accessed in Salestio > Settings tab. There are two ways to set up the settings here:

  • Configure the settings for all marketplace integrations through the “Salestio Settings” tab.
  • Configure Individual accounts and marketplaces. Pick the corresponding marketplace account on the left to change individual settings.

With default settings, taxes are included in Subtotal and Shipping prices, as well as shown in a separate line on the Shopify order.

Exclude tax

Exclude tax amount from Item and Shipping costs.

Marketplaces can collect taxes for the sellers, so the Exclude tax option can be enabled to avoid counting them twice.

This option deducts the tax amount from the Subtotal and Shipping values on the imported orders. This results in a difference between Paid and Total amounts in Shopify.

How the values will look in Shopify:

Subtotal = Item costs (tax excluded)
Shipping = Shipping costs (tax excluded)
Tax = Item (Subtotal) tax + Shipping tax
Total = Subtotal + Shipping
Paid = Total + Tax

The option affects Amazon, eBay, and Etsy accounts.

Hide Tax

Hide Tax costs from the Order page.

Enabling this option will remove the Tax line, as well as deduct the tax from the Total amount. Depending on the expected result, sellers might want to use this setting in combination with the Exclude tax option.

How the values will look in Shopify:

Subtotal = Item costs (tax included)
Shipping = Shipping costs (tax included)
Tax = hidden line
Total = Subtotal + Shipping - Tax
Paid = Total + Tax

The option affects Amazon, eBay, and Etsy accounts.

Fixed tax option

Set fixed tax to: set your tax value here.

With the fixed tax option, you can specify the tax percentage that the current products are using. Salestio will calculate the tax value assuming the tax is included in the price.

The option affects Amazon accounts. Fixed percentage will also be supported for Etsy in the near future.

GST calculation for Australian orders

eBay Sellers in Australia can be subject to GST tax. If this affects your store, reach out to support@salest.io to enable GST calculation for imported eBay orders. With the option enabled, Salestio will add the following changes to imported eBay orders:

  1. Show an extra line for Taxes: “GST (10%) (Included)”.
  2. The figure on this line is calculated in the following way: (Subtotal + Shipping)/11.
  3. All other figures on the order remain unchanged.

Different countries have different rules and regulations regarding tax calculation. If your store requires a specific setup not covered by the settings page, feel free to let us know at support@salest.io.

Managing tax settings is essential for proper accounting across the different platforms. You can take advantage of our app’s automated tax features to save time and reduce errors. Check out the app on the Shopify App Store to get a 30-day Free Trial of Salestio.

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