
Using Etsy shipping profiles in Salestio

Etsy has its own system to configure shipping settings. Understanding how to use it will help, especially for international sales. In this short guide, we explore Etsy shipping profiles: how to set them up and how to use them in Salestio. Etsy shipping profiles Creating a shipping profile saves a lot of time when creating […]

Using eBay Business Policies with Salestio

If you want to sell on eBay, it is important to learn about Business Policies. Using Business Policy templates helps to streamline product listing and ensures consistent settings for your product lines. Today we explore how the Business Policy system works, and how Salestio takes advantage of it to make the listing process faster. What […]

Exporting Shopify Products to eBay Marketplace with Salestio

Today we would like to give you a detailed guide on how to exporting Shopify products to the eBay marketplace. For doing this we will use our Shopify application .

Expand your BigCommerce store to Amazon with Salestio

Regardless of the size of your BigCommerce shop, it is always a good idea to be on the lookout for new revenue streams. One promising avenue involves leveraging global e-commerce platforms, and Amazon is a great place to start. Today we will explore launching your product sales on the Amazon marketplace directly from your BigCommerce […]

Create new Amazon listings from Shopify as a part of Dropshipping Business

Working as a dropshipper involves a unique set of dynamics and responsibilities compared to traditional retail or wholesale models. Listing creation and optimization is part of these responsibilities. Creating compelling product listings is essential for attracting customers and driving sales. You’re responsible for creating accurate and engaging product descriptions, selecting high-quality images, and optimizing listings […]

Solving differences between Variation Structure on Amazon and Shopify

Uploading your Shopify products to Amazon is a great way to expand the store and reach more buyers. However, your store products may not be organized in the same way Amazon needs them to be. That is fine because today we explore the creation of listings with variations on Amazon and explain how to make […]

Export your WooCommerce store to Etsy with Salestio

There comes a point when a store needs to reach a wider audience. Making your brand more visible is easier when your products are available on more platforms. Today we introduce the new Etsy integration for WooCommerce. Etsy sync is now also available with Salestio for BigCommerce and Shopware. In this article, we outline the […]

Case Study: Create new listings of the Amazon “Charging adapter” product type

Salestio is a useful tool for managing multiple sales platforms right from your Shopify store. The app turns creating a large number of Amazon products into a quick process that happens in the background. Today we will set up the app for listing a wall charger. If the products already exist on Amazon, adding a […]

Start selling on eBay internationally with Salestio

In the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape, expanding your business globally is no longer a choice but a strategic imperative. Whether you’re a seasoned e-commerce pro or a budding entrepreneur, the key to expanding your market reach and boosting your bottom line lies in the convergence of eBay and Shopify. Today we explore the tools that Salestio […]

Case Study: Create new listings with variations of the Amazon “Shirt” product type

Salestio helps to automate the process of creating new Amazon listings. Last time, we explored how to create listings for drinking cups. But what if the items have variants, and a lot of them? Today, we dive into variations and how to make them work with Amazon properly. This example will be done on two […]

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