
Etsy has its own system to configure shipping settings. Understanding how to use it will help, especially for international sales. In this short guide, we explore Etsy shipping profiles: how to set them up and how to use them in Salestio.

Etsy shipping profiles

Creating a shipping profile saves a lot of time when creating listings. Instead of picking every option every time, you can just use one of your presets for shipping.

To get to shipping profiles, navigate to your Etsy Shop Manager > Settings > Shipping settings (we need the “Shipping profiles” tab). Click “Create profile” to see the editor:

Etsy offers automatic calculation of shipping prices (“Calculate them for me” option). If you want to fine-tune the settings, select “I’ll Enter Fixed Prices Manually”. Enter the rest of the settings, pick a profile name that you will remember, and click “Save profile”. And we are done with the Etsy part!

Do you always need tracking for Etsy shipping?

Etsy requires a tracking number for each order over 10 USD. This means that you can avoid adding tracking if a particular order costs less. Keep in mind that this requirement might be different for your country.

Adding the shipping profile to Salestio

Now that we have a template for shipping settings, Salestio can use it for creating the listings. Your Etsy shipping profile can be assigned to any Selling List in Salestio. When you click “Add Selling List”, new options will appear in the “Selling Profiles” section:

To create new Etsy listings with the selected shipping profile, remember to enable product creation and pick a Creation Profile below. Check out this short guide on Creation Profiles if you need assistance.

You can use multiple shipping profiles with Salestio. Create multiple Selling lists, so you can pick different settings for each one. Each Selling List can have one shipping profile at a time, so create as many Selling Lists as you have profiles.

After the Selling List is configured, add products to it and click “Send to Etsy”:

If you need further assistance, feel free to use the little helper widget at the bottom right:

Using multiple shipping profiles with the same item

Some sellers have multiple warehouses with the same item stocked to make shipping easier for customers. Only one “Country of Origin” is allowed per shipping profile, so multiple profiles will be required for cases like this. Unfortunately, Etsy allows setting only one shipping profile to the listing. Some sellers go around this limitation by using multiple listings for the same item.

For example, you can have the main listing with Shipping from Australia. It will be the Shipping profile with the Country of Origin set to Australia.

On the listing, you can add the following note to the product description:

For shipping from the USA, go to this listing (here you can add the link to the listing with the Shipping profile set with the USA as the country of origin).

To work with Salestio, it should be 3 separate product pages on Shopify. The main page and additional pages for the other countries. You can keep these “technical” listings in Drafts on your Shopify store so that they are not shown on your storefront on Shopify. If you decide to keep them in Draft, remember to enable Drafts in Salestio > Settings.
Also, make sure to prefix or suffix US or UK to the product SKU. So the copies of SKU “6-APLJUICE” would look like “UK-6-APLJUICE”, “AU-6-APLJUICE”, etc. This way, it will be possible to send each product separately, and when the order comes from Etsy to Shopify, looking at SKU, you will see exactly from what location it should be shipped.

After configuring all of the items and shipping profiles, create Selling Lists for each shipping profile. Add items to the Selling List with the corresponding shipping profile and send them to Etsy normally.

Possible errors

When using calculated shipping in the profile, it is required that you add weight and dimensions. You might see this error in the logs:

This listing uses a calculated shipping profile. Weight is required and must be greater than 0.

You can add these details in the Selling List settings. It is possible to add either plain numbers or use metafields from each of your Shopify items:

You can also leave the “Item weight” field blank to use the value from the Shopify product page:

Shipping profiles are a great tool for automating Etsy sales, and Salestio takes full advantage of them. If you are on the fence about Salestio, grab the Free 30-day Trial here to see how well it can work with your store. Check out one of our recent articles where we compare Etsy with eBay from a seller’s perspective.

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