
Product titles on eBay and Etsy are crucial because they significantly impact search visibility and click-through rates. A well-crafted title with relevant keywords helps your listing appear in search results, attracts potential buyers, and clearly conveys what your product is, improving accuracy and relevance. This enhances your product’s chances of standing out among similar items. Effective titles ensure that your product is seen by the right audience, driving more sales.

Today we will share some tips for effective management of titles with Salestio and good title-making practices to help your products be seen.

Configure the titles in Salestio

By default, Salestio will send the title from the Product page in your store when you send your store items to the marketplace. However, it does not have to be the same title. Let’s check out the tools that give you a bit more creative freedom.

Creation Profiles define categories and all the product specifics that are sent to eBay or Etsy. Here, you can configure how your titles appear on the marketplace. eBay Creation Profiles allow customizing the title in the “Listing title” field.

Related: Check out in-depth guides on configuring Creation Profiles and product sync.
Exporting Shopify Products to eBay Marketplace with Salestio
Extend Etsy Listings data with specific attributes

The default option for your titles is [product_name]. This option will send the title as it is in your Shopify or BigCommerce store. You can add more flair to the titles by adding some text. Here is an example:

[product_name] — Jimmy's Store exclusive

The example above will use your original title, and more text will be appended at the end. Keep in mind that this will apply to each listing sent with this Creation Profile.

Shopify users can use metafields to add more information to the title, while in a BigCommerce store, you can use custom fields. This way, you can add some product-specific details to each individual title. Here is an example:

[metafield('Product', 'my_fields:key_feature_1')] — [product_title]

This code can result in titles like this:

Shopify title: White summer dress
eBay title: Plus size — White summer dress

You can mix and match your title “formula” in a lot of ways, combining different metafields and text snippets to reach the best result.

You can also add information from your product title to the description section on eBay. Check out more tips on customizing your eBay descriptions with Salestio: eBay Description Templates: Make Beautiful Descriptions Faster

Title size limiter

Both Etsy and eBay have a limit on the length of product titles. For eBay, the limit is 80 characters. For Etsy, you can use 140 characters.

Sending a product with a longer title will result in an error. Luckily, Salestio can automatically truncate your titles if needed. If you want to use this option, enable the respective checkbox in your Creation Profile for eBay or for Etsy:

Edit individual products

Salestio Selling Lists for the eBay integration also allow configuring settings for each individual product. To edit your item details, find it in the Selling List and click “Listing creation data”:

In this section, you can write a specific title to overwrite the settings from your Creation Profile. You can also configure the eBay category and item specifics. Keep in mind that changing the title does not require adding a category.

How to update the title

For new listings, your title will be sent along with the other details when you run the Send to eBay / Send to Etsy action. Automatic updates will only maintain prices and quantities, regardless of any title or product detail changes in your store.

To send an updated title to the marketplace, select an item in the Selling List and run the Full Revise action. For Etsy Selling Lists, look for Update action.

How to create better titles

Be concise. Aim for fewer characters and try to describe the key properties of your product. Use numerals instead of words, e.g. “4” instead of “four”. Abbreviate measurements like kg or in, but avoid using obscure acronyms that some may not know.

Try to begin your titles with the most relevant keywords and organize them in a readable, logical order. You want to appeal to the search algorithm but keep in mind that buyers need to read the title. Compare the two titles below:
“Rustic Wood Shelf Handmade Storage Custom Home Organizer Decoration”
“Custom Handmade Rustic Wood Shelf – Home Storage Organizer – Unique Decoration”
Both options are likely to appear in the same search result, but the second one is much easier to read. With the second option, a potential buyer will have a better time understanding what the item is.

Avoid excessive formatting to keep the title less busy. Don’t use all caps and non-language characters like © or ↔, but include correct punctuation when necessary.

Related: Marketplace Algorithm Insights: Winning the Buy Box

Writing clear and catchy titles is something that you are sure to improve with experience. However, following simple baseline rules will help with maximizing their effectiveness from the start.

Along with a product and order syncing suite, Salestio offers the tools to manage your titles, so you can work on conquering marketplace search results. Not a Salestio user? Check if your e-commerce platform is on the list and get a Free 30-day Trial to level up your multichannel business.

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