
Salestio is primarily designed to sync listings and orders fulfilled by merchants (FBM). But what if some of your sales are fulfilled by Amazon? While the app does not have the option to publish and manage FBA listings for you, there are some tips that can help you keep track of orders, have sales reporting, and track inventory.

Today we will share how to get the most out of your Salestio app as an FBA merchant.

Enable FBA orders in Salestio

With default settings, only FBM orders are created in Shopify. To include FBA orders, navigate to Salestio > Settings tab > select your Amazon account. In “Import Amazon Orders type”, select “All orders” and save changes. After enabling this, you will see your FBA orders created in Shopify.

Keep in mind that these orders cannot be updated and Salestio will not send any information back to the marketplace, as it is managed by Amazon. Also, due to Amazon limitations, customer information is hidden on such orders, so the app will not import these details.

Aside from your Shopify store, you can check the orders in your Salestio app > Orders tab. It is possible to filter out the rest and show only ones from Amazon Fulfillment Network:

Select the desired filter and click Search

Configure products for FBA order importing to Shopify

Salestio can update your Shopify inventory whenever an FBA sale is made. If you want to receive inventory updates from Amazon, FBA order importing needs to be on, and it is not enabled by default.

As with FBM orders, Salestio uses product SKU to identify the ordered item and link it to a product in your Shopify store. This means that the SKU must be the same for your FBA products and respective Shopify products.

If you sell the same item both through FBA and FBM, your shop will require a couple finishing steps to make this work. Due to how Amazon operates, your FBA SKUs will always be different from FBM SKUs of the same product. If you sell both FBM and FBA, then your SKUs will probably look like this:

Shopify SKU: example-product
Amazon FBM SKU: example-product
Amazon FBA SKU: example-product-FBA

Because Shopify SKU and Amazon FBA SKU are different, the orders will have trouble creating in Shopify. There are two ways to resolve this conflict, so let’s go through each of them.

Method 1: Map the FBA products to Shopify

To match different SKUs across different platforms and make Salestio recognize them as the same product, you can make a mapping table. Create a spreadsheet with two columns Shopify SKU | Amazon SKU. Because one Shopify product is mapped to two different Amazon SKUs, each row needs to be repeated: one for Shopify-Amazon FBA and the other for Shopify-Amazon FBM. Check an example table below.

Add all of your Shopify and Amazon SKUs here and save the table as a CSV file. Remember, there is no need to add some products if they are only sold through Amazon FBA / only through Amazon FBM. If the SKU already matches for such items, they will work fine without needing a mapping.

To apply all this work, upload the file to your Salestio app. Navigate to Salestio > Settings tab > select your Amazon account. Scroll down to the SKU mapping section, click “Add file”, and upload the new mapping. Done! The settings will apply to all new orders that you receive from Amazon.

Learn more about configuring SKU mappings here:
Streamlining Order Imports with SKU Mapping in Salestio

Method 2: Add FBA items as separate products in Shopify

Another way to match the SKUs of your Amazon FBA items is simply having dedicated Shopify products for it. For each FBA item on your account, create a matching Shopify product with the same SKU.

This way offers less flexibility in terms of inventory management because FBA and FBM stock will be separated in your store. However, there will be no need to deal with Shopify locations and compiling mapping files, which makes things simpler.

Although Salestio does not support sending Shopify products to FBA inventory, you can still benefit from using Salestio with FBA sales. To get FBA sales imported to Shopify, make sure to enable FBA order importing and configure matching SKUs on the products. If you need help with any of the steps, reach out to us at support@salest.io

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