
In this article, we will review some special cases that might come up between your Amazon/eBay/Etsy seller account and the Salestio app. Read more below to find a case that matches your situation. If you need additional help, feel free to reach out to the team at support@salest.io

To add a marketplace account, navigate to Salestio > Accounts > Add account. Pick an account name and additional settings if they apply and click the connect button at the bottom of the page. The account is connected after you allow app access in the new tab.

No redirect to marketplace login

When adding a new marketplace account, you should be redirected to your Amazon, eBay, or Etsy dashboard to log in and allow app access to Salestio. If you don’t see the new page when adding an account, please check your browser settings.

Popups in your browser need to be enabled to log in. Check the relevant guides below for your browser:
Block or allow pop-ups in Chrome
Firefox: Pop-up blocker settings
Pop-ups in Microsoft Edge

If the issue persists, try changing the browser and connecting the account again.

Expired account

Due to security concerns, Salestio establishes a connection to your marketplace account for a limited time. When the connection expires, you need to reconnect your account to continue syncing orders and updating your available stock.

After you re-connect your account, it will stay linked for a few months. Keep in mind that sometimes you might need to reconnect it sooner because of updates on your marketplace platform. To stay up-to-date on this, we suggest enabling account notifications in the Salestio settings. Enable this option to receive email notifications when your marketplace account needs attention:

You will also get a reminder on your Salestio Dashboard when you need to update the account:

To reconnect your account, click “Confirm connection” on the banner or navigate to Salestio > Accounts > your account with the “Expired” badge. Click the connection button at the bottom and confirm access to your marketplace account.

On this step, make sure that you are logging in to the correct Amazon/eBay/Etsy account. If you are already logged in to another account, try using incognito mode to enter the credentials to the correct one.

If you had some items with errors in your Selling Lists, now is the time to refresh them. Go to your Selling List, select the items with errors, and run an update action on them.

Amazon-related connectivity issues

Before you add an Amazon account to Salestio, check if you are already a Pro Seller. Standard accounts are not supported. When adding the account, make sure to select the marketplaces where you have an active Amazon store. Only select the ones that you will use. Selecting inactive marketplaces will lead to errors.

If your Amazon account is missing some information, you might receive an error like this (you can find all messages on the dashboard, in the logs section):

Got error [400] { "errors": [ { "code": "InvalidInput", "message": "Invalid request parameters", "details": "" } ] }

Unfortunately, Salestio cannot pinpoint the issue for Amazon errors like this one, so the best way to resolve this is to try to list the same item directly on Seller Central.

Go to your Seller Central account and add the same item in the same category. If you are missing some important details, Amazon will point that out. One possible cause is outdated payment information in your Amazon account.

Update your Amazon account according to the instructions during listing the item and try that again. After all the details are ready, return to Salestio to list the rest of the items.

Reliable syncing of your products from Shopify, BigCommerce, or other stores with online marketplaces depends on being connected to your seller account. By setting up email notifications for account connection and product updates, you will keep yourself informed and can react quickly. If you need further help with connecting your marketplace accounts, feel free to reach out to support at support@salest.io

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