
Deep dive into Shopify metafields with and without a definition

Shopify offers a variety of fields to fill in product data. When there are not enough standard fields, you can create your own. Shopify calls them metafields. Today we explore what metafields are and how they can be useful for expanding your listings when managing a multichannel store. You can use metafields internally to track […]

Solving ‘Category Not Found’ Error on Etsy and eBay

Salestio offers a simple way to create new items on eBay and Etsy after you set it up. Our today topic is connected to one of the Error Messages you can face when exporting products to eBay and Etsy marketplaces using the Salestio solution. 

Understanding product statuses in Salestio

Salestio is a useful tool for syncing your e-commerce store with eBay, Amazon, or Etsy. With all the actions you can perform, products can remain in different statuses. To better understand what is happening to the items and better manage the Selling Lists, it is useful to know the meaning behind the statuses a bit […]

Customization on the imported orders from Amazon, eBay, and Etsy

Amazon, eBay, and Etsy offer unique ways for buyers to personalize their purchases. In this article, we’ll explore the practical aspects of these customization features, helping sellers navigate the nuances and leverage them to enhance customer satisfaction and sales.

Connect Etsy Listings with Shopify Products using Salestio

Managing inventory across two platforms simultaneously can be a real challenge for online sellers. In today’s video, we’re diving deep into how you can seamlessly link your existing Etsy listings to Shopify products. Moreover, we’ll explore how to synchronize stock and price updates from Shopify to the Etsy marketplace. To achieve this, we’ll utilize the […]

Extend Etsy Listings data with specific attributes

Learn why etsy item attributes are crucial for online sellers. Discover how to enhance your product listings using Salestio etsy integration for Shopify

Integrate your Etsy store to Shopify

Adding a new sales channel to e-commerce business is a good opportunity for growth. It is an excellent way to meet new customers where they spent their time most. 
In today blog post we will talk about Etsy integration to Shopify using Salestio.

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