
Today, we’d like to talk about eBay description templates and how you can configure them using Salestio’s eBay Integration.

Unlike Amazon, the eBay marketplace offers sellers a flexible way to present product descriptions. An eBay listing includes multiple sections: title, image section with gallery, variations block, item specifics block, and the eBay product description section. For a more general guide on listing new items with Salestio, check out our blog post on that.

Inside the description section, eBay allows sellers to use almost any HTML tags and CSS, providing significant flexibility in detailing product, payment, and shipping information.

eBay offers a flexible way to add intricately designed descriptions

Suppose you sell on eBay and wish to use an identical description across all your products. In that case, you’ll need to prepare it separately for each listing, replacing sub-sections with product-related data. With Salestio’s eBay integration, you can simplify this process by using eBay Description Templates.

The eBay Description Template section can be accessed from the Salestio app: eBay integration > Profiles > Description template

After installing Salestio, you’ll already have a default simple template. You can modify this template or create a brand-new one using your existing eBay listing description.

Let’s delve into the eBay Description template in detail. Every template in Salestio contains its name, as it is represented internally, and then the template text. Description Template fields are available in two modes: Visual mode with an embedded editor allows you to modify the text style, adding headers, images, tables, and more. The Raw mode, or HTML mode, displays all templates in HTML, and to modify template content, you’ll need to use special tags.

HTML mode allows editing the code directly
Visual mode allows tools instead of tags

Visual mode is useful for simple templates where complex styling is not needed. HTML mode allows the creation of any complex template you need or the integration of your existing template. The “Toggle editor” button lets you switch between both modes. The Preview button renders a template using one of your store products. Remember to save the Description template to apply the changes. After that, the updated Description template will be applied to the Preview:

Now, let’s look at the special variables available in the Template. The eBay Description Template, used for multiple products, conveniently allows you to avoid defining fixed data in the template, such as product title, description, or gallery. You can find a set of variables in the description template that Salestio will replace with the corresponding product data you are exporting to eBay. Among these variables, you’ll find standardized parameters like product name, description, quantity, or price, and a built-in gallery replaced with images available for the products.

If you’re actively using meta fields in your store, it’s also possible to push data from product metafields into the description. Check our guide for using images in metafields with Salestio.

Common tasks for Description Templates

Importing an existing description template

If you want to use your existing eBay description template inside Salestio, follow a few steps. First, create a new Description Template, then switch to HTML mode by clicking the “Toggle editor” button and paste your template into this field. Next, replace product-related data in the template with Salestio description variables. For example, we set the correct Product Title, Product Description, and integrated image gallery.

After this, save the template and use a preview to verify how it looks with one of the products. Please note, that if you use a complex template with HTML and CSS, don’t switch to visual mode. The visual editor may disrupt complex styling and structure.

Applying extra styling

For applying extra styling, the visual editor inside the Salestio Description template offers several options, like making text bold, italic, changing font size, and others. However, if you need more styling options, you can use HTML mode and provide CSS styling applied to sections of the template.

Look at this example where we create a paragraph with highlighted text for a specific paragraph. We’ll use ChatGPT to generate styling:

.highlight {
  border: 2px solid #f39c12; /* Solid border with a distinct color */
  background-color: #fdf2e9; /* Light background color for contrast */
  padding: 5px; /* Some padding to make the text more readable */
  border-radius: 5px; /* Rounded corners for a smoother look */
  font-weight: bold; /* Make text bold to stand out more */
  color: #e74c3c; /* A color that contrasts well with the background */

Here is how to apply it to the template:

  1. Switch to HTML mode.
  2. Set a style tag and insert style text.
  3. Indicate highlighting requirements by setting a CSS class “highlight”:
<div class="highlight">Some text with extra style</div>

Remember to use the preview to see how it turns out.

The bottom line

Salestio streamlines the management of eBay descriptions, removing the need to tinker with each listing individually. We hope that our guide helps to make your listings stand out!

Want to learn more and enhance your eBay listings? Check out some of our articles below:

10 Strategies to Get Views for Your eBay Listings

Marketplace Algorithm Insights: Winning the Buy Box

Mastering Product Listings: Optimization Strategies for Amazon, eBay, and Etsy

You can install Salestio eBay integration for your store using the following links:

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