
When deciding to sync eBay and Etsy listings with the e-commerce store, some sellers might have some new items to list in the process. In today’s article, we will explore a use case for Salestio when some of your products exist on the marketplace, while others need to be created.

For example, your winter collection of clothes is up for sale both in BigCommerce and Etsy, but you did not have the chance to list the summer collection on the marketplace. We will see how to list the summer collection and sync the whole stock together.

The process of connecting and listing items is similar for eBay and Etsy integrations, so tips in this article can be applied to both.

Add all products you want to connect/send to eBay and Etsy to the Selling List

We need to add a Selling List in Salestio, where all of the items will be managed. You can also create multiple Selling Lists to better organize the items.

For detailed steps, follow the guides below:
Create Selling List [eBay]
Create Selling List [Etsy]
Important: when enabling Collection mode, avoid using the “Send products automatically”option. To link items in the future steps, products have to stay in the default Not Active status.

After creating the Selling List, add all the desired items using the buttons at the top: “Add product by collections” to select in bulk or “Add products” to select individual items. If you selected Category mode earlier, wait a few minutes while Salestio fetches the items to populate the list.

Link the existing listings

Now it is time to link the items that have been selling on eBay or Etsy. Navigate to the Inventory tab and click “Download inventories”. In a few minutes, Salestio will report a list of the products found on the connected marketplace account.

Related: full guides for linking products
Connect Shopify products to existing eBay listings
Connect Etsy Listings with Shopify Products using Salestio

Please note that your store items need to have the same SKU as marketplace items to connect. If the SKUs are different, you can match the items manually: click “Set Product” and pick the corresponding item from your store.

When ready, click “Sync inventories with selling items”. In a few minutes, all of the matching items in our Selling List will now have a Linked status. Now you can go back to the Selling List to verify how the items look.

We suggest doing an initial synchronization of quantities and prices now: select the Selling List and run the Revise Quick action (eBay) or Update Price & QTY (Etsy). This will send the current data from your e-commerce platform to the marketplace. If any changes are detected in the future, Salestio will keep the listings updated automatically.

Create new products on eBay and Etsy

We still have some items that were not connected. If Salestio does not find a match for an item in your Selling List, it will remain in the “Not Linked” status.

Add a Creation Profile

For the items that we will create on eBay or Etsy later, Salestio will need a Creation Profile. In this profile, you can specify the category and all the product details.

For a step-by-step guide on configuring the Creation Profile, check the respective articles:
Configure eBay listing attributes in the Creation Profiles
Configure Etsy listing attributes in the Creation Profiles

Keep in mind that you only need to set up mappings for the items that don’t yet exist on the marketplace. If you have all pants already listed, but still need publish shirts, you can skip adding mappings for pants.

After the Creation Profile is configured, it needs to be assigned to our Selling List. Go back to the Selling Lists tab and click Edit. Enable product creation, select the Creation Profile, and save the changes.

If you are using an eBay Profile, click on the Edit button beside it and make the changes in the pop-up window.

Send the items

To send the remaining items and create a listing for them, select the Selling List again and click “Send to eBay”/”Send to Etsy”.

You can check the results of your efforts by opening the Selling List and checking the status of your items. Linked status means that the item is connected and will keep updating in the background. If you see an item with an Error status – check its logs to find out more. Check the help articles for the most common errors: eBay and Etsy.

Related: full guides on creating new listings
Exporting Shopify Products to eBay Marketplace with Salestio
Export your WooCommerce store to Etsy with Salestio

Try Salestio

Salestio offers a flexible way of syncing your marketplace accounts with an e-commerce platform like Shopify, BigCommerce, Shopware, and more. Not a Salestio user yet? Get a Free 30-day Trial for your platform here.

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