
The Ultimate Guide to Selling Used Items on Top Marketplaces: eBay, Amazon, and Etsy

Discover the secrets to successfully selling used items on top marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, and Etsy. Learn how to choose the best platform for your needs, source high-quality products, and scale your business. Dive into our ultimate guide and unlock your full selling potential

Mastering Product Listings: Optimization Strategies for Amazon, eBay, and Etsy

Discover the secrets to mastering product listings on Amazon, eBay, and Etsy with this comprehensive guide. Learn essential optimization strategies, from keyword research and crafting compelling titles to leveraging customer reviews and utilizing promotions. Boost your online sales and stand out in the crowded marketplace by applying these expert tips and tactics. Start optimizing your listings today and watch your online business thrive!

Introducing Ebay Integration for WooCommerce, BigCommerce, and Shopware

We are excited to announce that Salestio now offers support for eBay Integration on three popular store builders: WooCommerce, BigCommerce, and Shopware. Please note that this feature is currently in beta and has limited functionality. For more details, please check our blog post.

The Importance of Product Photography in E-commerce Sales

In the world of e-commerce, having high-quality product photography is essential for driving sales and building a strong brand presence. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of product photography in e-commerce sales, the requirements for photos on online marketplaces like Amazon and eBay, and tips for taking great product photos.

Efficiency at its finest: Importing Orders from Online Marketplaces to E-commerce Stores with Salestio — PrestaShop

In this article we will take a look for all options available in Salestio for importing Amazon & Ebay orders to PrestaShop store

Creating Variation Listing on Etsy — T-Shirt Dropshipping on Shopify

Learn how to export your Shopify variation products to Etsy using the Salestio application in this step-by-step guide. Improve your online sales and expand your reach to a wider audience with ease.

The Role of Data and Analytics in E-commerce Success

Today we would like to talk about the crucial role of data and analytics in the success of e-commerce businesses. From understanding the data to data-driven decision-making, customer insights, and competitor analysis, we will cover all the essential elements of how businesses can leverage data to achieve success in the online marketplace.

Efficiency at its finest: Importing Orders from Online Marketplaces to E-commerce Stores with Salestio — Shopify

In this article, we will delve into the functionality of Salestio that deals with importing orders from online marketplaces. This is the first part of the article, focusing on the import of orders to Shopify.

Manage Ebay Inventory Items with Salestio Shopify Ebay Integration

Starting from January 1st, 2023, Shopify’s free eBay app will no longer be available, leaving many merchants searching for a suitable alternative. One of the major challenges faced by sellers is the inability to update eBay listings created with the Shopify eBay App using other applications. In this article, we will unveil an effective solution to this problem with Salestio’s Ebay Integration for Shopify.

Strategies for integrating your e-commerce with third-party services

Maximize your e-commerce potential by integrating with third-party services. From streamlining operations to expanding into new markets, learn how to improve your business with the help of tools such as inventory management, global shipping and payment services, CRM and marketing automation tools.