
How to Manage Listing Quantities with Salestio

Salestio offers syncing options for Amazon, eBay, and Etsy. By default, Salestio syncs quantities to the connected marketplaces in the same way as they appear in your store. In today’s article, we gathered tips on how to customize your Global Profile to control how your store products appear on the marketplaces. Most examples will be […]

Using translation services for e-commerce stores and marketplaces

If your store is going global, offering multiple languages is a sure way to engage more customers. E-commerce platforms offer multiple ways to preset the store in multiple languages. Today we explore the available tools to translate your Shopify or BigCommerce store and how to get these translations sent to online marketplaces. Translating Shopify Shopify […]

Streamlining Order Imports with SKU Mapping in Salestio

Managing inventory across different sales channels can be challenging in today’s digital world. Each platform, from physical stores to online shops and third-party marketplaces, has its own unique requirements. Using the same SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) on all platforms helps businesses manage inventory better, reduce mistakes, and give customers a smoother experience. In this article, […]

Using ASINs instead of Barcodes to list Shopify and BigCommerce items with Salestio

Salestio offers a way to quickly push items from your e-commerce store to Amazon. The Amazon catalog is extensive, so the app can look up the product EAN or UPC in the store and list you as one of the sellers of the same item. But what if you don’t have a barcode? Some brands […]

Create new Amazon listings from Shopify as a part of Dropshipping Business

Working as a dropshipper involves a unique set of dynamics and responsibilities compared to traditional retail or wholesale models. Listing creation and optimization is part of these responsibilities. Creating compelling product listings is essential for attracting customers and driving sales. You’re responsible for creating accurate and engaging product descriptions, selecting high-quality images, and optimizing listings […]

Solving variation errors on online marketplaces

Your best-seller items as well as regular products come in various types and shapes. As a result, many products appear with multiple variations. Today we explore how Salestio users can overcome possible variant-related obstacles when syncing their e-commerce store with online marketplaces. eBay – variations not allowed eBay supports variations on GTC listings, but some […]

Solving differences between Variation Structure on Amazon and Shopify

Uploading your Shopify products to Amazon is a great way to expand the store and reach more buyers. However, your store products may not be organized in the same way Amazon needs them to be. That is fine because today we explore the creation of listings with variations on Amazon and explain how to make […]

Deep dive into Shopify metafields with and without a definition

Shopify offers a variety of fields to fill in product data. When there are not enough standard fields, you can create your own. Shopify calls them metafields. Today we explore what metafields are and how they can be useful for expanding your listings when managing a multichannel store. You can use metafields internally to track […]

Understanding product statuses in Salestio

Salestio is a useful tool for syncing your e-commerce store with eBay, Amazon, or Etsy. With all the actions you can perform, products can remain in different statuses. To better understand what is happening to the items and better manage the Selling Lists, it is useful to know the meaning behind the statuses a bit […]

Case Study: Create new listings of the Amazon “Charging adapter” product type

Salestio is a useful tool for managing multiple sales platforms right from your Shopify store. The app turns creating a large number of Amazon products into a quick process that happens in the background. Today we will set up the app for listing a wall charger. If the products already exist on Amazon, adding a […]